Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Campaign ads

Politicians have known for a long time how to use the media to their benefit. One great example are the television campaign ads (since 1952 -Eisenhower vs. Stevenson). Some were used to scare Americans, such as a 1964 ad during Johnson vs. Goldwater in which Goldwater quoted and used images of the KKK against Johnson. Others were used to instill confidence in the current president despite allegations. One example is the 1972 presidential race between Nixon and McGovern. Even though Nixon’s approval rating dropped significantly due to the Vietnam War, the video showed a different, likeable side to Nixon. The video showed his private life laughing at a benefit, dancing with his daughter at her wedding and in the oval office fighting for Americans rights.

Check out the website showing campaign ads from 1952 - 2008.

(I was introduced to this website in another POLS class a year ago. After posting this I realized this is the same one our professor has in our Textbooks and Readings!!)

1 comment:

  1. I like this post because it is some what similar to the blog topic I am doing. I like how you point out that Nixon showed a likable side in his ad. I think these are efficient ways to gaining support... more so then bashing the other candidate.
